In other words, animals’ rights are infringed by experimenting on them. Pro 1 Animal testing contributes to life-saving cures and treatments. This website offers a variety of resources for journalists, scientists, schools, and policymakers. Founded in 1969, this organization argues against all forms of animal testing. Retrieved from Animal testing is a polarizing topic, and this makes it a good choice for a persuasive essay. Understanding Animal Research. At Stanford, we emphasize that the humane care of laboratory animals is essential, both ethically and scientifically. Written by a cardiologist, this article provides a brief overview of the … Health Research Funding. Many animals used in testing are euthanized after experiments by being forced to inhale carbon dioxide. by Michele McKay. The article also includes the opinion of the National Institute of Health, who argues that PETA has used the data inappropriately and, thus, dismisses the study. International Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals. Ericson, J. Out of these, 15 million are tested for the field of medicine and 5 million are tested for other products. The Cruelty of Lab Animal Testing. Woods, Bob. This, of course, means you’ll need to do more research. As the title indicates, this article focuses on the negative aspects of animal testing, such as the cost, the lack of protection for animals, and the fact that some tests are, in the end, simply pointless. Woods, B. Animal Testing and Medicine. Animal testing is one of those topics that can polarize opinions. In fact, Google isn’t even the best way to complete your research (really!). Pros and Cons of Animal Testing - Latest Research in Ongoing Debate. The use of animals in medical research is increasing at its fastest rate since 1986. Wolchover, Natalie. Ericson, John. Restraining or putting a ban on animal testing, will prevent us from finding essential cures for deadly diseases. She also advocates for the government to stop its continued systematic experimentation on animals. Instead of pictures of activists in blood-spattered lab coats wielding "animal abuser" placards, the … Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is believed that these regulations will ensure that research is carried out in a humane and ethical manner. Scutti, S. (2013). This article is more than 11 years old. Animals lack the sense of judgment, thus human lives always come first before animal lives. Animal testing has been a very controversial topic from the very beginning. Moreover, an animal lover who hasn’t experienced the loss of a loved one due to a life-threatening disease is also not expected to comprehend the importance of animal testing. “U.S. Retrieved from Hanson, H. (2016). The animal rights organization PETA claims that the use of animals in federally funded labs has increased 75% in the past 15 years. Animal experimentation up 73 percent, study says. “‘Shocking’ Animal Rights Exposés by Newspapers Were Nothing of the Kind.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media Limited, 7 Oct. 2014, This is a government website, and thus, the information is reliable. 1, 2011, p. 42, It was essential to test it on animals, so as to find out the effects on the body. It further argues that only a handful of abuse cases can be substantiated. Klazema, April. Retrieved from Read How to Write a Pros and Cons Essay Like a Pro for helpful advice. Looking for even more help writing a persuasive essay? Read How to Apply the CRAAP Test to Your Essay Sources. Retrieved from This article provides a brief history of animal testing, including animal testing completed by the Greeks and Romans in the 2nd century and more recent testing on chimpanzees. Animal testing cons: What every person should know [Blog post]. (2014, February 20). First of all, animal testing should be banned in order to protect the rights of animals. To help scientists and others band together to defend animal research, Jentsch has formed Pro-Test for Science, an online group that holds rallies and counter-protests. Image #2: People needlessly injecting, probing, and torturing defenseless animals. Scutti, Susan. WASHINGTON, D.C. – California is a progressively animal-friendly state and this New Year brings the start of a new law to prohibit any cosmetic products that have utilized animal testing.. Across the globe, new products ranging from drugs for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease to cosmetic products such as soaps, shampoos, etc., are tested on animals. Both of them make up 43% of the total expenditure for medical research. She also served as co-director of a campus writing center for 2 years. (2014, June 13). Understanding Animal Research. (If you’re writing an argument of your own, check out How to Write a Winning Argument Essay.). How to Apply the CRAAP Test to Your Essay Sources, How to Write a Pros and Cons Essay Like a Pro. Stephanie (2009) argued about issue and ethics for laboratory animals. Hajar, Rachel. Akhtar, Aysha. It’s probably safe to say that, although this blog post contains 20 credible animal testing articles to support a persuasive essay, not all of the articles included here will work for your paper. “Animal Experimentation up 73 Percent, Study Says.” CBS News, CBS Interactive, 26 Feb. 2015, “Shocking” animal rights exposés by newspapers were nothing of the kind. Well, we're looking for good writers who want to spread the word. If you think human beings are the only living creatures that have benefited from animal testing, then you are mistaken. “New Law Gives Cats and Dogs in Research Labs A Second Chance At Life.” HuffPost, Oath Inc., 17 Aug. 2016, News | Aug 28, 2016. There are many questions regarding the ethics of using animals for testing. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is the self-proclaimed largest animal rights organization in the world and focuses on ending animal cruelty. Peter Tatchell. Many, however, question whether this practice will be effective as it too may cause some distress to animals. How else could researchers find out more about anesthesia? Imagine: animal testing that is as good for animals as it is for humans. U.S. research lab lets livestock suffer in quest for profit. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The announcement that PETA UK has accused nine leading cosmetics brands of breaking European law by selling products tested on animals for the Chinese market is very disturbing, if not surprising. Thus, animal testing is not something to be blacklisted completely. What Is a Persuasive Essay and How Can You Makes Yours Good? Retrieved from (n.d.). 12, no. This article argues that, while it’s clear that some animal abuse occurs during experimentation, some newspapers sensationalize the reports. Retrieved from Moreover, testing on animals has helped develop vaccines for many serious diseases such as Herpes Simplex, Hepatitis B, Polio, rabies, malaria, mumps, virus-related conditions, and organ transplantation rejection. Then animal testing doesn’t seem to be a large price to pay. “To Kill a Lab Rat.” The Scientist, LabX Media Group, 4 Nov. 2014, Susan M. Inez is a professor of English and writing goddess based out of the Northeast. The Scientist. Retrieved from /issues/becrueltyfree/facts/about_cosmetics_animal_testing.html. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If you’re completing your own research on the subject, take a look at How to Write Perfect Survey Questions for Your Paper. If animal testing was to be outlawed, then there would be very little scope of obtaining vital information necessary to eliminate suffering and premature deaths in both humans and animals. So, keep your heart aside, think with your mind! 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. (n.d.). This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)...right to your inbox. Moreover, several other animal drugs available today are the products of animal testing itself. For this animal testing is very crucial, because it helps in understanding this virus. “The 6 Craziest Animal Experiments.” LiveScience, TechMedia Network, 1 August 2011, The following ScienceStruck write-up enlists some of the pros of animal testing…. Too frequently, we receive proposals in which an investigator proposes to create an animal model of a disorder and “validate” that animal model by running a series of assays to document similarities between the animal and humans with the disorder. This report also provided crucial information as to the purposes of animal testing, for instance for medical research, biological testing, regulatory testing, etc. Finding good sources takes time, don’t simply pick the first 5 sources you find on Google. Retrieved from We should ensure that animal testing is carried out in a safe, ethical manner causing as little pain and discomfort to the animal as possible. Still not sure what credible articles might look like? Instead, they should be aimed at testing a specific hypothesis. Read these posts: Want to see what other students have written about the topic ? Appalling Facts About Animal Testing That Will Certainly Shock You. When every member in our family is hale and hearty, it is very difficult to comprehend why innocent animals are used for testing purposes. The animal research story started to change. (I know, this adds some extra time to your research process, but trust me, it’s worth it.). These cookies do not store any personal information. Yet many in the animal-rights community condemn the use of any and all animals in medical research and continue to push for testing bans. Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, animal research and in vivo testing, is the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study.This approach can be contrasted with field studies in which animals are observed in their natural environments or habitats. Animals are considered to be protected as long as animals receive minimum amount of suffering. Get in touch with us and we'll talk... A survey conducted in the American Medical Association, indicates that 99% of all active physicians in the United States, believe that animal research has given rise to medical advancements. The main reason behind this is the fact that scientists have found that there is very little difference between animals and humans. (n.d.). Research Lab Lets Livestock Suffer in Quest for Profit.” The New York Times, 19 Jan. 2015, However, some scientists break this law as well, just like any other law. So animal testing should be legalized in order to save more human lives. The state is leading this charge, joining a few other countries who have enacted the same type of restrictions, and now the U.S. Congress is following in those steps. Retrieved from Just as it sounds, this article provides a brief discussion of six strange and sometimes controversial animal experiments. The author of this article, a neurologist and public health specialist, reveals that government torture of humans was directly inspired by similar animal testing. Reports also indicate that about 10% of these animals are not administered with adequate painkillers. 2.3 Animal testing is helpful for studying the effects of substances. However, the same person understands the significance of animal testing, when his or her loved one gets struck by a life-threatening disease. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. International Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Fox, F. (2104, October 7). Well, for decades now, animal testing has been commonly practiced to test household compounds, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products. (n.d.). Hence, several regulations have been put in place that evaluate and control animal testing in laboratories. Pro-Test was a British group that promoted and supported animal testing in medical research.It was founded on 29 January 2006 to counter SPEAK, an animal-rights campaign opposing the construction by Oxford University of a biomedical and animal-research facility, which SPEAK believes may include a primate-testing centre. Heart Views: The Official Journal of the Gulf Heart Association, 12(1), 42. Retrieved from Discover the activities, projects, and degrees that will fuel your love of science. The 6 craziest animal experiments. The long fight against animal testing. Chemical, pharmaceutical, and medical research laboratories use live animals to test everything from shampoo to surgical procedures. Retrieved from According to an article published on December 15, 2011 in the New York Times, “The National Institutes of Health on Thursday suspended all new grants for biomedical and behavioral research on chimpanzees and accepted the first uniform criteria for assessing the necessity of such research. Animal testing should be banned due to animal rights, ethical issues, alternative ways and the unreliability of test results in humans. While animal testing for cosmetic reasons is not acceptable, it is inevitable for medical research. Poor animal care is not good science. However, these regulations are also under a lot of debate. It’s easy to say you’re either for or against animal testing, but you can’t write an effective persuasive essay about the topic without evidence to support your opinion. When citing full websites in APA, keep in mind that APA doesn’t require an entry in your references list. “Animal Welfare Act.” U.S. Department of Agriculture, (n.d.). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The crux is that in order to make advances in the field of medicine, animal testing is inevitable. What one should be against is unethical animal testing. Animal testing won't disappear overnight, but the agencies' work signals the beginning of the end, Zerhouni says. By Gail Downie. Moss, Michael. The price of killing off animal testing. Casey, M. (2015). Hanson, Hillary. There are many questions regarding the ethics of using animals for testing. Animals feel distress during this process, and this article reports that labs, because of the pain and discomfort felt by animals, are being asked to use anesthesia. About 31.1% of animals in science are used in basic research, while 11.9% are used for translational and applied research, which includes projects that test primary research findings for medical application. Nonpartisan Launches Its New Website on the Animal Testing Debate. Heartworm medicine was a product of animal testing and has proved to save the lives of millions of dogs across the globe. Speaking of Research. Animal testing prevents dangerous and harmful experiments on people. Remember, finding good sources takes time, so don’t just use the first animal testing articles listed in your Google search. Animal testing in the United States is regulated by the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA), passed in 1966 and amended in 1970, 1976, and 1985. One of our regular community contributors, Gail Downie is an animal advocate and vegetarian. The following ScienceStruck write-up enlists some of the pros of animal testing… Across the globe, new products ranging from drugs for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease to cosmetic products such as soaps, shampoos, etc., are tested on animals. The California Biomedical Research Association states that nearly every medical breakthrough in the last 100 years has resulted directly from research using animals. The hearts of animal lovers go out for these suffering animals. “Despite exciting scientific innovations spearheaded by South Korean companies, Korea’s regulatory framework is still biased towards the old ways of animal testing, which isn’t benefiting animal … Read the 5 Best Sources to Help with Writing a Research Paper to find out! And because finding good sources takes time, don’t simply pick the first five sources you find after Googling “animal testing.”, Actually read the sources before you decide to use them for your paper. They are being sacrificed for our sake! Animal testing: A long, unpretty history. Review the following animal testing articles to find support for your persuasive essay. This page offers a variety of pro and con quotes about animal testing from authors, doctors, professors, and other credible professionals. Should Animals Be Used for Commercial or Scientific Testing? All the person wants is for his or her loved one to live longer. 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