gospel-centered, Bible-centered content. So after 32 years at our church, we are leaving (reasons about). Remember: He will NEVER tell you to stop attending a local church altogether. and if your church feels more like a country club community than an outward-minded community on mission, look for another church. Brett McCracken is a senior editor for the Gospel Coalition and the author of Uncomfortable; Hipster Christianity; and Gray Matters. Your primary call in the church is to contribute, not just to consume. If … If the church does not proclaim the truth or does not teach the Bible and revere Christ, and there is another church in the area that does, then there are grounds to leave. C onsistent Unbiblical Teachings and Practices If the church is preaching and teaching unbiblical things on a consistent base, this is one of the best reasons to leave as soon as possible. Box 25232 | Chattanooga, Tennessee 37422 USA, 7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten. Find one of those churches, and line up. If you'd like to help, please check out the partnership details and products available for sale here. It's so important that God actually gave His Word a body and called that Body “Jesus Christ.”. I really do believe that. We have never had a pastor and I continue to feel not where I should be. though if you feel that you are not growing spiritually and the brethren around you are not helping you up. This was a realistic list, citing both good and bad reasons to leave a church. If I talked about them openly, church-haters who have a chip on their shoulder against the church anyway would use those things as an excuse to hate on the church and stay out of church. Something else is being preached, but not God's Word. I write to encourage YOU, and to help you feel the love of Father God. We sat down with the pastor and his wife and shared all the reasons we were leaving (in love). Uncomfortable makes a compelling case that following Jesus calls us to embrace the more difficult aspects of Christianity in the context of the local church. But plenty of people do have a problem with the power gifts … yet, they are in the Bible. The person was going to the pastor and not telling the truth. “Watch, Maybe the second time in my life I’ve made these, Y’all. Get away from relativism and humanism. No. Man does not live by bread alone, but by every WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God (Deuteronomy 8). When looking at the reasons people leave, we removed those related to lifestyle changes like moving or new marriages. Find a church whose leaders surround themselves with accountability partners, not with automatic-yes-men. Perhaps you’ve moved a bit farther away from your church and the distance begins to pose challenges to your connection there. Weak preaching. I’ve stopped attending there now for almost four months. And, like a marriage, you shouldn’t divorce on a whim. 1. ♥️. Yes; that's a no-brainer. Have you been wondering if you should stay at your current local church, or leave your church and find another one? God NEVER counteracts His Word. This is a very sad truth, but it is the truth; and we need to recognize it. Our family has been attending this church for almost 30 years. Maybe it was a leader. If you're chronically frustrated at church, the primary solution is not to try to fix things but to recenter your focus on God. 1. These things aren't Biblical; and if you stay long enough, they'll be your portion too. Someone has sinned. Here are seven: If your church begins to fudge on matters of orthodoxy, placing cultural relevance or social gospel initiatives above sound doctrine and biblical authority, look for another church. But it's a terrible thing if your pastor is living a secret life of sin. One of our board members attends a large megachurch in Alabama. If a faithful member leaves, it must be a good reason to do so because a faithful member would never leave a church a church he has been invested in for years. Educate yourself. It would be irresponsible of me to talk about bad reasons to leave a church without acknowledging that there are those times when good, healthy Christians … But He may tell you to realign yourself with a different church than the one you're in now. A church that is more interested in advancing a political party’s agenda than in advancing God’s mission is not a church where you should stay. Transformation is absent. I have prayed and fasted over this situation so I am now in a space where I’m watching sermon videos online and believing God to guide me. Disagreements over simple matters of preference are never a good reason to withdraw from a sound, Bible-believing church. A case can be made, however, for staying and working to bring about changes for the better. 7 Good Reasons to Leave a Church Brett McCracken. Your feedback means the world to me. So, thank you for participating in this community! What are some general guidelines or broad categories you would introduce for someone asking whether it’s time to leave a church? 4. If you don't recognize this truth, you will never grow and you'll never become who God made you to be. Your email address will not be published. If you cannot get behind the pastor's vision for the church, leave. He told you to do something for His Kingdom; and His call is a command, not His wishful thinking for your life. Many in my congregation asked me to leave. Sometimes He just tells you to go, and you don't know why. On the contrary, a church should be a living, growing organism where the Holy Spirit is sanctifying believers, changing lives, and transforming communities. In recent years, readers from our community have frequently written to me about their local churches. Why bother yourself with a vision you don't believe in or align with? Jesus left heaven and came to earth to pay the penalty for our sin, even though He lived a sinless life. 7 Good Reasons for You to Leave a Church Discerning the Good from the Bad In our consumer society, where prevailing wisdom says we should be loyal to products or brands only insofar as our needs and tastes are satisfied, it can be easy for churchgoers to have a very low threshold for leaving a church. This is great you, you have just confirmed I did good by leaving my local church you know. Believers who feel a desire to leave a church should be clear on their reasons. This sort of issue manifests itself in a number of ways: simple power... 2. God may use your reasons for leaving to help the church or its leaders. However, because there are so many Presence seekers in this community and only one of me, I am not always able to respond to each one. Hi, I'm Jamie. It was just another thing. ? I have left 6 local churches over this, and have run out of churches. You have to obey God, no matter what. Hi Jamie, You will suffer the mal-effects, but you won't know where it came from. However, not all places that operate in manipulation and control look like cults. The church abandons orthodoxy.. What’s difficult is that they’re not always completely honest—with themselves or others—about the decision. A Category You Won't Find in the Bible: The Churchless Christian. I’ll leave that to each person, their conscience and their circumstances. Period. Comments such as ‘your mother is dead, why are you still here”, “isn’t there a more appropriate place to go”, and there must be churches you past on the way here”? Leaving a church is not something that should be done lightly. Consider these seven key items to look for and prioritize when you embark on your next church search. Thank you and Bless you! If there is no overlap between the people you worship alongside and the people who live in your neighborhood or city, it might be a good reason to find another church. I prayerfully decided it was time to move on. Of course. If God simply ups and tells you to leave a place and go to a new place, do it. Long story short: If God tells you to leave your church and go to another one, do it. However, the guidelines you illustrated made me feel comfortable with the decision I’ve made to remain at my local church. But, God said to go. Here are some of the primary reasons given for leaving (without commentary on the validity of each one): Relationship conflict. Churches are not meant to be inert institutions where nothing and no one is ever changed. I have been having trouble with the local Church I attend, it is a traditional Church but that would not be too much of a big deal. I was in a church where I was being abused by a board member. If you are leaving for non-doctrinal reasons (see above), however, avoid itemizing those matters and instead be as positive as possible so you do not diminish others’ commitment to the church. It has been a stressful situation especially when my parents decided to quote the Lord’s words “Honor your father and Mother, and you will have long life”. So let’s start off with why you shouldn’t leave a church. I had an experience where I felt like a church (I was an active member there for a decade) was trying to look like other churches in the area, instead of trying to be the bride of Christ. Get my FREE How to Heal from Rejection 7-day mini-course when you sign up for free email updates! an attitude that says “what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine” among the leaders. and Christ will come for one church. Example: Abraham. They were crushed. Get my free ebook, 555 Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here! They were no bible studies, how to behave as a Christian, no baptismal classes, they just tell you that you have to go to water and after that they will set up a date and take you to the river no teachings about the tithes or being told to pay the tithe. He lives with his family in Southern California, where he serves as an elder at Southlands Church. Of course, no church is perfect. What are the legitimate reasons for leaving a church? This is a reality that has to be faced as a common reason for dropping out of church. 4. I stopped going to the other Church for a while I stopped attending Church all together but my longing to worship was too great so I decided to simply settle and avoid drama yet have not been active in any activities. This has happened in my life. That pastor does this to maintain a high level of personal integrity. Because of His sacrifice, not our good deeds, we can be reconciled to God. There are a number of reasons why people decide they want to leave their church, including lack of community, drama and unresolved conflict, church cliques, controlling leaders and … So, if you leave your church, you need to find another one and be faithful there. The shame I feel is a calling to marriage yet heavy in debt preventing the marriage. So if you find yourself asking the Lord if you should change churches, you are not alone. If so, today's post may help you find some clarity on that question. Maybe God has called to singleness is the default line, and maybe idicates lack of knowing for certain. They are still here, and they're relevant, and they're FOR TODAY. Also, don't tell me, “God told me to come out of the local church for awhile.” NO, He didn't. A church is a family, so leaving is like a divorce. But a helpful factor in keeping college students in church, Rainer suggests, is a thriving student ministry that stresses the importance of staying in church after going away to college. When it comes to church, proximity is important. (Even if you live in the middle of nowhere, 8 hours from the nearest church, and you have to start one yourself.) When is the right time to leave a church? 5. For … Since my mother passed, I’ve been asked about why I’m still there. Churches are not meant to be inert institutions where nothing and no one is ever changed. It's a great thing if your pastor has a prayer life, lives holy, and hides God's Word in his or her heart. Another may carry a strong message of fasting and prayer. They left after they graduated from high school. Here are three good reasons to leave your church: 1. . When you're under the covering of a pastor at your local church, there is an impartation that happens. First, know that there is a mass realignment going on across the Body of Christ right now. Preached and recorded 3 TV shows this morning abou, So I’ve literally been praying and speaking the, Painted this mountain mural yesterday! The church leadership is abusing its power. The children’s ministry isn’t as fun as it could be. Here are three good reasons to leave your church: 1. Get thee hence and into a church that believes and walks in God's Word. When you see that, get away from that church fast. Copyright © 2021 Jamie Rohrbaugh | From His Presence, Inc. | A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Ministry | P.O. I think it, Remembering what Jesus did for me today. How can you be fed without the power of God in full operation … let alone that teaching otherwise is not Biblical? Find a church that believes in the entire, inerrant, infallible Word of God. No matter where you are, there is a church that God has for you. There are many good reasons why people decide to leave a church. God never called you to wait to obey Him until somebody else gets a witness. This is a big question that may require a lot of thought and counsel. Leaders need accountability, period. This is a great thing if your pastor is godly. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This blog, and all of our ministry efforts, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases. They shouldn't be. Also, Jesus gave us spiritual leaders and examples (called the “fivefold ministry”) and called them apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, and teachers–and at least 3 of those offices (apostles, prophets, pastors) are designed to function primarily within or on behalf of the framework of local churches. They focus on different things. partnership details and products available for sale here, Small Group Curricula on Women’s Ministry Tools. That being said, here are some reasons why I do believe a person should leave a church: 1) If the inerrant, infallible Word of God is not being taught in ALL its truth, get thee away from that place. There are so many reasons why people feel they need to leave a church. This sort of issue manifests itself in a number of ways: simple power abuse, law-breaking, emotional/physical/sexual abuse, and other ways. God's Kingdom is an abundant kingdom. Some are in great churches where they are serving, learning, and worshipping every week. Here are seven wrongs reasons for leaving a church. First, let’s acknowledge that there are some good reasons for leaving a church. The higher a leader advances, and the more influential they become, the more of a target they have on their back. If a church does not teach that Jesus is the only Way; that homosexuality is sin; that fornication is sin; that hell is hot; and all the other things the Bible says that nobody likes to hear … then that church is not rightly dividing God's Word. Meet me in Denver June 11-13 for Faith, Wealth, and Wisdom School! Required fields are marked *. September 19, 2017 Illegitimate reasons for leaving a church abound, but there are circumstances when it is right to make the painful decision to leave. We are all imperfect and need Jesus. In this final part of this series the guys begin to tackle this subject. ), Not every church is the right church for you. His Word is all-important. The only w, This is happening. That, and only that, is what we're talking about here. Sometimes churches become theologically or morally bankrupt, leaving a sound believer no choice. Confessions of An Unlikely Worship Leader, Dimensions of Destiny: A Study of Divine Alignment, Getting to Know the Sevenfold Holy Spirit, How to Heal from Rejection and Abandonment, Praying the Names of God: The Ultimate FREE Guide. Another may have a strong deliverance ministry, but a weak street-evangelism program. That is the local church of today. Don't EVER let the enemy tell you to stop going to church. These five reasons are perfectly good reasons to leave church if they’re the reasons you’re not happy there. #kitchenaidmixer I’m in love! So this continued for 11 months I had my fill and left. Realizing that there are always exceptions to any of the reasons listed below, here are 11 “weak” reasons to leave: You’re angry at somebody. If your church never sees people being saved or baptized, if church members never grow, and if nothing in the surrounding city is changing for the better because of the church, it might be time to find a new church. So I don’t know what to think. The famous ones are called “cults.” Some of the cults that have existed in the USA in the last few decades were so evil that their people were actually rescued by police or military forces … places that were abusing women and children, and worse. Next, I do NOT believe you should leave a church simply because there is something you don't like, or because “you” are not the first priority there. 3. Christian, you have access to more “meat” than any other generation before you! A church should be a living, growing organism. I recently transitioned from one church to another after about 14 years in one place. One church may carry a strong message of hope and blessing. If you’re in a church that succumbs to the broader culture's current “politics is everything” orientation, placing political activism above Jesus worship and gospel proclamation, you should look for another church. Red Lights: Wrong Reasons for Leaving a Church. And, thank you in advance! To leave a church because you’re not getting “enough” is a cop out. Please note: If there is abuse (physical, spiritual, emotional etc.) With that said, what are good reasons to leave “a” church and join a different local church. If your church is about business and not about Christ that is a clear reason. The preaching loses some luster. then you may have no option but to move to the next church. Leaders at all levels need accountability. Thanks Jamie, I only became aware of the tithes through your teachings. According to Hebrews 10:25, GOD would not tell you to stop going to church. Different Doctrinal Beliefs This first and most important reason to leave a church is when the name on the church... 2. That does not line up with His Word. not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Different churches carry different anointings. I love the local church, its leaders, and its mission. April 30, 2018 By Jamie Rohrbaugh 7 Comments, Filed Under: Supernatural Life, Teaching Tagged With: Church. We deserve death and separation from God because of our sin. Find more encouraging words over on my Facebook page, YouTube channel, or Pinterest account). through a lack of funding for the church budget; when the congregation or governing board refuses to pay the pastor; an unwillingness among the people to tithe and give; and. I know there are legitimate reasons for leaving a church (e.g., the message is unbiblical, you’ve moved to another city, etc. The church leadership is abusing its power. 2. My previous article 6 Terrible Reasons Why People Leave Church generated such good discussion both in the comments and on Facebook that I felt a follow-up article was needed to balance out its message.. If you are in a church where there are literally no opportunities to serve (and this would be a very rare church indeed! What to Do If You’re Chronically Frustrated at Church Brett McCracken. But this is not healthy for a church. 7 Good Reasons to Leave a Church 1. The New Testament apostles can't conceive of anything called a Christian that's not connected to Christ's body. Every person has one or more gifts and callings. If you aren't in a good local church, you CAN find one. Therefore, if your church doesn't raise people up into their callings, find another church that does. There are certainly legitimate reasons to leave a church and sadly, it sometimes become necessary or even a duty to find a more biblically faithful body. We are not all called to attend in the same building, but we ARE all called to worship together with other believers, hear the preaching of the Word, and live in community and fellowship. I do read them all and pray for you, though! People are moving to new places and new church coverings en masse. I however feel deprived of growing in identifying/ understanding and developing my spiritual needs. Not rolling over for the church that only wants marrieds & taunts the unmarried as if they are not good enough and unworthy of encouragement. « 3 Reasons To Demystify the Gift of Prophecy, How To Kick the Scoffers Out (So You Can Truly Live) ». And that's completely inappropriate. The worship leader’s hairstyle becomes bothersome. Godly leaders will embrace personal and professional accountability for this reason. If your church begins to fudge on matters of orthodoxy, placing cultural relevance or... 2. There's a big difference between getting behind a pastor and serving his/her vision compared to being manipulated and controlled. All things should always be done decently and in order, but there's a big difference between order/structure and manipulation/control. Sometimes God has someone else He wants you to serve; someone else He wants you to reach; or something new to do with you and your family in general. Then, I shared some thoughts over on our free Facebook mentoring group. Then you will struggle with that sin too–or at least temptation to it. When does an issue rise to the level of justifying leaving a church? Too many people abandon churches for petty reasons. I was reminded of the Lord’s command and the courses for not obeying. If your church doesn't believe that, I'd personally find another church. You find yourself going to fewer church events and meeting fewer people in your neighborhood who know about your church. Many of them are outright sin. Today, though, I want to expound on that a little bit. Your email address will not be published. Are You Pursuing Your Destiny and Calling in God? 7 Checklist Items for Your Next Church Search. We're all the Body of Christ–but maybe you're supposed to be part of the left arm instead of the right shoulder in the Body. Hello Jamie, thank you for this guidelines. These are clear reasons to leave that church. I need you; we are in this together! Worthy of God: Are Your Dreams Big Enough? I’ve had at least one “exit interview” that was immensely helpful to me as a leader—some of the truth of it stung, but it helped me grow. Excuses to avoid prayer for marriage seem to be “well maybe God”s call is to be single”. Learn what both look like, and choose the former. The same is true for prophets–but prophets best support apostles within the local church. If wrong things are called right–or are permitted at all–then that church is NOT obeying God's Word. We prayed together before the end of our meeting. You should leave if you’re having doubts, or if your church isn’t transparent about its finances, or if your pastor holds a demeaning view of women, or if the church makes you fully submit to church leadership. It is never easy for members to leave a church, and it would be wise for pastors to find out the reasons. 8 Good Reasons to Leave Your Church 1. As a Christian, you shouldn’t require spoon-feeding for … Should you love your pastor? They will be accountable to other people for their ministries, their money, their communication, and their marriages. For example: If your church doesn't focus on what you can support, find one that does and make things easier for everybody. And, why bother the pastor with trying to get you in line, if you already know you can't/won't come alongside his/her vision? I am much okay where I am now. However, when evil is permitted–when leaders know about it and do nothing about it–that is a MAJOR problem. Yet I would get text to let me know how my schooling was free. We all rely on the saving grace of Jesus Christ. MadameNoire Featured Video. No one has attempted to contact me to find out why, so it only solidifies my decision was correct. I am called to support and help build local churches. Whatever is on your pastor will flow down to you. I prayed about what to say in response to these emails about churches for a long time. He and his wife have told me that the pastor of their church actually gives his social media and email passwords to other pastors to whom he is accountable. Sometimes a church outright embraces heresy and it is loud and clear, but more often the march away from orthodoxy is a slow and hard-to-discern series of small compromises. The Top 6 Reasons People Leave Their Church. If you are in a church that looks like the world, acts like the world, does not have sound doctrine, supports homosexuality and even has homosexuals working in the ministry, supports abortion, the prosperity gospel, etc. A spirit of poverty can manifest in churches in several ways: If you see that, run, don't walk, to find a new church. If the deacons are fornicating, the teachers are teaching the occult, etc, back away. If a... 2) If God outright tells you to go somewhere else. Whatever you do, don’t just leave without telling your leaders. (Teachers and evangelists also function on behalf of the Gospel, but often work outside it in order to push people in. God has magnified His Word above His name (Psalm 138:2). Learn more or donate today at, Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church. So I feel lost and stuck in that area. Learn how your comment data is processed. How can you discern, according to God's Word, when a church that you attend is NOT God's plan for you? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Most pastors are doing their best to live holy lives. God's Word is everything. I was getting school for exchange for cleaning. Churchgoers who are chronically subverting leaders, or at loggerheads with them on everything from music style to preaching topics, are not happy or helpful churchgoers. I am called to marriage, debt free status, and financial ministry. September 14, 2017 Why is it vast majority of churches are 85-90% married when USA is 52+% unmarried & rising??? Others, however, are in churches where ungodly things are going on. We are all sinners. I’ve been looking for a church for a very long time now, it’s very hard to find a church that fits all the requirements mentioned, so I’ve had to discern the lesser importance that a church doesn’t function in and make peace with that. How should one leave a church to join another? Go! Again, this reason’s a great one to leave, not only because you go to the nations, but also because you can remain a part of that church family from a distance. If there are unethical practices, then leave quickly. One of the reasons that it is difficult is because we don’t find explicit instances of this in the New Testament. Now I don’t have a church or a car to get to another one. But there are some very bad reasons as well that have the great potential for throwing a church family into a pit of discouragement. In recent decades, we've seen a lot of ungodly leaders rise up to manipulate and control people. How do you know if you're rightly aligned in the right corporate body for you? We said we couldn’t stay. ), it might be a good reason to find a church where you can serve. She’s c, I’ve been a planner addict for years. If your church leaders have no structure of accountability, bad things can happen and nobody will know. Consider the following as potentially invalid reasons for leaving a Bible believing evangelical church. If you see your church headed in that direction and your alarm bells go unheeded, get out sooner rather than later. But what are some legitimate reasons for leaving a church? Nobody has a problem with people who exercise the gifts of helps or giving. You'll be glad you did. Somebody got mad at somebody else, and one (or both) of them decided to find another church. The Church is a Volunteer Organization. 3. They didn't cease with the apostles. What to Do If You’re Chronically Frustrated at Church. Come alongside those pastors and serve them and that church in every area. Wherever … just find a place you can support. Every church member should be serving in their church in some capacity, whether it be welcoming guests at the door, taking up the offering, teaching Sunday School classes, or helping out in some other way. 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Heavy in debt preventing the marriage that to each person, their money, their money, their conscience their! Completely honest—with themselves or others—about the decision I ’ ve stopped attending there now for four. Demystify the Gift of prophecy, how to Kick the Scoffers out ( so you serve! Mine and what 's yours is mine ” among the leaders any kind church! God may use your reasons for leaving a church for you, you will tell... Church... 2 ) if God outright tells you to go, and did. Got mad at somebody else gets a witness off on you yet heavy in debt preventing the marriage Category! Moved a bit farther away from your church is not God 's Word, then leave quickly live lives..., but often work outside it in order, but is not something that be. Done lightly wait to obey God, no matter what whatever you do, don ’ as! Are seven wrongs reasons for leaving a Bible believing evangelical church plan for you, you are growing!