For full details, visit:, There is a wide range of student clubs and societies to get involved in - for more details visit: Overseas travel: A risk assessment should always be undertaken when planning an overseas trip on University business. For general enquiries, please contact Reception in the first instance (tel. Ideally you should do this before you arrive. Copyright Law: The copying of books and journals and the use of self-service photocopiers are subject to the provisions of the Copyright Licence issued to the University of Oxford by the Copyright Licensing Agency for such copying (from paper on to paper). More serious cases of suspected plagiarism in assessed work are investigated under the disciplinary regulations concerning conduct in examinations. The content of your on-course transcript will reflect the information which you can see in the Examination and Assessments section of Student Self Service. Please note that if you wish to connect your own computer to the University network it must be properly maintained. The University's Committee on Student Hardship makes grants and loans for the relief of financial hardship in cases where this was unforeseeable at the time of admission. The Oxford Historian. All finishing students receive an Alumni Card, which entitles the holder to various benefits and offers; please see the Oxford Alumni website for further details. Classical Greek and word processing: Word processing and handling electronic documents are essential skills for all classicists today. Mailing lists: At the beginning of your course, you will automatically be subscribed to a Faculty mailing list for students on your course. New Athena Unicode, Palatino Linotype, Arial Unicode). 01865 288391) in an emergency. In each year of the course in which you sit written exams or submit work for assessment, you will be required to enter for the exams online via Student Self Service. If you are reading for an undergraduate or master’s degree, you will receive an email in the Michaelmas Term of your final year with instructions on how to book your degree ceremony. The reception desk is located on the right-hand side of the Atrium as you enter the building. clerical work, covering reception or helping with events); these are advertised by email circulation to the Faculty's mailing lists. Teaching provision: If you have declared a disability in your University application form, the Disability Advisory Service will make us aware of your needs before you arrive in Oxford, enabling us to anticipate any adjustments to provision that need to be made for you. Course Handbooks: A course handbook is available for each undergraduate and postgraduate degree. There are also freeware fonts you can find online that contain the necessary characters, one popular such font is Gentium (which has an alternative version GentiumAlt with ‘proper’ circumflex accents). keep your contact details up-to-date in Student Self-Service throughout your time as a student at Oxford. If you are studying for an undergraduate degree, the teaching for your course will be provided jointly by your college and the Faculty (or more than one faculty in the case of joint courses). Copies of examination circulars and examiners' reports may be found in Canvas. IT and email access: You will continue to have access to Student Self Service for 11 months after finishing your studies. Steven J. Balla, Martin Lodge, Edward C. Page OUP Oxford, Mar 26, 2015 - Political Science - 800 pages 0 Reviews This Handbook brings together a collection of leading international authors to reflect on the influence of central contributions, or classics, that have shaped the development of the field of public policy and administration. the year in which you began working towards the exam). For undergraduates this takes the form of a presentation in the Ioannou Centre, while for graduates it comprises tours of both the Sackler Library and the Bodleian Library's Classics collections. All students should read the Faculty guidelines on referencing and avoidance of plagiarism. You may not teach more than six hours a week in terms (not averaged out over the year) and these six hours must include preparation and marking. Modern language courses are available in three different pathways, open to all students: General, Fast-Track and Academic. the students starting work towards the exam in a given academic year). For detailed information about the syllabus, teaching and assessment arrangements for particular degree courses, please refer to the course handbook applicable to your year of examination. This handbook covers the Preliminary Examination in Classics and English, the first year BA (hons) Classics and English award. All parts of the application form must have been received by these dates. You are advised to submit your travel insurance application as far in advance of your departure date as possible. The Oxford Handbook of Classics in Public Policy and Administration Edited by Steven J. Balla, Martin Lodge, and Edward C. Page Oxford Handbooks. An informal discussion with the person immediately responsible for the issue that you wish to complain about is often the simplest way to achieve a satisfactory resolution. 288372; email: Prospectus entries for lecture series and programmes for weekly seminar series can be found on the Prospectus Entries page of the website. They can produce a Student Support Plan for you, which may contain recommendations on exam adjustments to meet your needs. Poetry of the First World War. You can amend your address and contact details via Student Self Service, and use it to access your exam results. Instead, there are various keyboard utilities available which allow you to use your normal keyboard as if it were a Greek keyboard (e.g. There are also two more general schemes: Access Funds are provided by the state to give financial help to full-time ‘home’ undergraduates and postgraduates where access to higher or further education might be inhibited by financial considerations, or where students, for whatever reasons, including disabilities, face financial difficulties. Your degree certificate will either be presented to you by your college on the day of the degree ceremony, or posted to you shortly afterwards. First edition 1985. You will normally have no access to college libraries other than your own. Classes are provided for students at different levels of proficiency. Detailed information about the process may be found on the University website. Introduction to the Classics Faculty. for submitting thesis proposals), Dr Georgy Kantor, Chair of AHCA Sub-Faculty (, Prof. Timothy Rood, Chair of Lang & Lit Sub-Faculty (, Prof. Nino Luraghi, Director of Graduate Studies, Ancient History (, Prof. Gregory Hutchinson, Director of Graduate Studies, Lang & Lit (. Application forms are available from College Secretaries and College Hardship Officers. Whether you have a disability or a temporary illness/impairment (e.g. If you are going on fieldwork early in the summer vacation, and especially if you are travelling to a high risk area, you should submit your forms as early as possible (ideally at least six weeks before travel). For further information on how to apply, entrance requirements and selection criteria, please see the University website and the Faculty of Classics' website. Notes. A range of Greek fonts has been installed. All the machines are connected to the University network. Research involving human participants: The University is committed to ensuring that its research involving human participants is conducted in a way that respects the dignity, rights, and welfare of participants, and minimises risk to participants, researchers, third parties, and to the University itself. Older issues of the handbook were produced by the Faculty of Oriental Studies. Academic transcripts: Your academic transcript is the official record of your examination marks and overall degree classification. Damage to the building, such as a broken window. Recordings may only be made for the personal and private use of the student. There are also graduate student representatives on the Graduate Studies Committees, Ioannou Centre Management Committee (ICMC), Committee on Library Information Provision (CLIP), Sub-Faculties and Faculty Board. Awards to successful applicants are made on the basis of a comparison of a student's finances for the current academic year with University estimates of finances required. 01865 612345) is a single point of contact for all front-line user support. Many of the Oxford Research Projects offer a wealth of digitised images and information. Please also let Security Services know. Timetables for this year's induction sessions will be published in Canvas as soon as they are available: Registration and Student Self-Service: Before the start of your course, you will receive details of how to activate your Oxford Single Sign-on account. Course handbooks for AMH are produced by the History Faculty, ... St. Giles', Oxford, OX1 3LU or +44 (0)1865 288391. powered by oxford mosaic. The University is committed to protecting members, staff, and any other person for whom the University has a special responsibility from any form of harassment which might inhibit them from pursuing their work or studies, or from making proper use of university facilities. Professional development and careers for graduates: For those intending to pursue academic careers, the Directors of Graduate Studies organise a meeting in which advice is given about the necessity for adequate preparation of a CV, presentation skills and interview technique. Continuing students must register at the anniversary of the term in which they first started their programme of study. The Classics and English degree at Oxford gives students the opportunity to study the literature and culture of the ancient and modern world, both separately and in comparison; to trace ideas, forms, and genres across cultures and time; and to think about continuities and change in how people think, write, and imagine their world. Examination results: If you are reading for an undergraduate or a taught Master’s degree, your exam results will be made available a few days after the Examination Board has met to confirm the results. Robin Hard is the author of The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology (2003) and the translator and editor of Apollodorus' Library of Greek Mythology (1997) and Diogenes' Sayings and Anecdotes (2012) for Oxford World's Classics, as well as the translator of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations (OWC, 2011), with introduction and notes by Christopher Gill. [This is the great advantage of the Unicode standard, since in older encodings, changing the font usually scrambled the text entirely and left it as unreadable nonsense.]. Teaching appointments and Research Fellowships offered by Oxford Colleges and by some other universities are advertised in the Oxford University Gazette, published each Thursday in Full Term, and often in the national press (notably in the THES and Guardian Education). For information on making an application for graduate study at Oxford, please see the University’s Application Guide. Attendance at a tutorial training day organised by the Faculty of Classics in Trinity Term is regarded as a prerequisite for inclusion on the tutorial teaching register. Safety procedures: During reception hours (9 am - 5 pm Monday to Friday), please contact reception (tel. Graduate students are given a tour of the libraries as part of their induction programme on Monday or Tuesday of Week 0 of Michaelmas Term. The Language Centre: The University Language Centre is based at 12 Woodstock Road. The first is a font, so that you can actually view the Greek. Your college office is the first point of contact for any queries about the arrangements for the day of the ceremony. Your tutor or supervisor will also be able to offer advice on which lectures and seminars you should attend. Graduate degrees are overseen by the Faculty’s two Graduate Studies Committees, each chaired by a Director of Graduate Studies. Information about graduate courses within the Faculty of Classics can be found both in the University’s online graduate studies prospectus and on the Faculty website. UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Board of the Faculty of Classics Board of the Faculty of Philosophy Mods Handbook for candidates taking Honour Moderations in Classics in 2021 Faculty of Classics Ioannou Centre for Classical & Byzantine Studies 66 St Giles’ Oxford OX1 3LU They offer a free and confidential service. Disabled toilets are located on the ground and first floors. The University’s Disability Advisory Service offers specialist support and advice to students with disabilities. and Balla S (eds) Oxford Handbook of the Classics of Public Policy. In addition to following these general guidelines, you should ensure that you have read and followed any specific instructions given in the Circular to Candidates for your course. During that time, please update your contact details, in particular your email address, to ensure that we are able to contact you in the future. They include information on: marking scales, marking and classification criteria, scaling of marks, progression, resits, use of viva voce examinations, penalties for late submission, and penalties for over-length work. Access to electronic resources is provided via SOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online). It is always better to deal with any crisis sooner, while still manageable, than to keep it to yourself and let it build up. Not many fonts include a complete set of Greek characters including accents and breathings, but some common fonts do (e.g. Note that not all databases can be cross-searched from SOLO, so you will need to consult OXLIP+ for a full listing of databases. ensure your college and/or the Faculty is informed immediately of any change to your student status or your visa/immigration status. The books are available in e-book format on the Bodleian Libraries' website (single sign-on required). Other venues in Oxford: Your studies in Oxford will require you to attend a wide range of buildings around the city. Course handbooks are numbered according to the year in which you started your degree. For more information on the University’s Harassment and Bullying policy and the support available for students visit:, There is range of faith societies, belief groups, and religious centres within Oxford University that are open to students. Any of these fonts will be able to display Greek and you can change the format of text between these fonts and they remain the same. If not, please contact the IT officer in the relevant faculty to request access. Please contact the Classics Office ( if you are unable to find a specimen paper in Canvas. It is however worth being aware of the University Counselling Service at 11, Wellington Square (tel. Requesting permission to record lectures: If you have a disability, you may request permission to record lectures as a reasonable adjustment on disability-related grounds; once you have been granted such permission, you do not need to ask individual members of academic staff for permission to record. Lecture lists are available in two formats: (1) as printable lists and (2) as calendars for individual subject areas, which can be imported into Apple iCal, Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar or any other third-party calendar program that supports iCalendar files. If there are any risks that could affect you during your travel (fieldwork/hazardous activities or recent security issues as detailed on the FCO website) then a detailed risk assessment will need to be completed, setting out the applicable risks and the measures you will take to avoid such risks. Because of the flexible nature of our degree courses and the wide range of lectures on offer, tutors and administrative staff within the Faculty will not always know in advance which lectures and classes you are planning to attend. They are designed to help you understand how your work will be marked and how those marks will be used to arrive at a final result and classification of your award and ensure that examiners carry out their task consistently. Further information on the types of adjustment that may be made and the evidence that you need to provide can be found on the University website. Harassment: Harassment is an unacceptable form of behaviour. The Service Desk (tel. Resubmission of work: If you accidentally submit the wrong piece of work (either in hard copy or via upload to WebLearn), you will probably only be allowed to submit the correct piece of work if it is clear that there has been a straightforward error. This certificate may be used to obtain council tax exemption. Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to get involved. Oxford: Oxford University Press Introduction The publication in 2010 of the 30th Anniversary edition of Lipsky’s 1980 book, Street-Level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Services, indicates the enduring contribution of this classic work. One is located in the basement, and one on the first floor in the graduate study area. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition. Your application will need to be supported by both your college and your tutor/supervisor. Admission to the Bodleian Library is arranged by your college office, normally when you first arrive. If you or another person in the building sustains a serious injury outside of reception hours please dial 999 for an ambulance. You will receive an email notification once the results are available, and will then be able to see your marks and overall classification in the Examination and Assessments section of Student Self Service. More information can be found at the Research Ethics website and an online training course can be accessed on WebLearn. Robin Hard is the author of The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology (2003) and the translator and editor of Apollodorus' Library of Greek Mythology (1997) and Diogenes' Sayings and Anecdotes (2012) for Oxford World's Classics, as well as the translator of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations (OWC, 2011), with introduction and notes by Christopher Gill. For further information, see the CAAH Prelims course handbook. You must show your University Card to gain access to any part of the Bodleian. Find out how to suggest new purchases. A timetable for the written papers will be published at least five weeks before the exam. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. For more information, please see the copyright FAQs on the Bodleian Libraries' website. Most Colleges have procedures relating to harassment. The Classics Office and several research projects are based in the building. the year in which you began the course). Degree confirmation letters: Transcripts are not available to DPhil students, as the DPhil degree does not comprise any constituent assessments. The online regulations are organised according to the year in which you started working towards the degree, not the year in which the exam takes place. We do not recommend that students travel to high risk areas, but if it is necessary for you to do so, you will be asked to submit a detailed written risk assessment before you travel. lecture handouts and Powerpoint presentations, circulars to candidates about exam arrangements, forms (e.g. Discourses, Fragments, Handbook (Oxford World's Classics) de Epictetus en - ISBN 10: 0199595186 - ISBN 13: 9780199595181 - OUP Oxford - 2014 - Tapa blanda University travel insurance: You should always apply online for University travel insurance before travelling overseas on University business. Graduate students can also apply to the Director of Graduate Studies for small sums from a Graduate Support Fund, for such purposes as to attend conferences outside Oxford. Research Projects. Application procedures and deadlines for postgraduate study vary widely from one University to another. The Oxford Handbook of Children's Literature provides a grounding in this field through a selection of original interdisciplinary essays on canonical and popular works in the Anglo-American tradition. If you would like to circulate an announcement about a Classics-related event to the students on your course or the wider Faculty, please email your announcement to our Reception staff at 2. You must not contact the examiners directly about matters relating to the exam. It is situated at 16, Wellington Square (tel. Windows, OS X, Linux). For further information on opportunities for paid work experience, please see the University website. For further information on the AHRC’s Research Training Support Grant please contact If you are requesting permission to use a computer in an examination, please remember to ask for any special software that you normally use to input Greek text (e.g. Alternative arrangements: If you have a disability or long-term health condition for which you believe you will require exam adjustments, you are strongly encouraged to register with the Disability Advisory Service if you have not already done so. Unique collection of key classics that have influenced the field of public policy and administration internationally; Contribution by leading international scholars A number of University prizes are open to undergraduate students in Classics. General areas of concern about provision affecting students as a whole should, of course, continue to be raised through Joint Consultative Committees or via student representation on the Faculty’s committees. Both have second-hand departments. Museums: The Ashmolean Museum in Beaumont Street is second in the UK only to the British Museum in its collections of vases, sculpture (including a famous Cast Gallery), coins and other objects: these are well worth getting to know whether or not you are doing one of the Special Subjects for which they are essential. A lift provides access to all other floors. Most information can be found via the Facebook group. Undergraduate student representation: The main forum for students to put forward ideas and suggestions about the Faculty's undergraduate degrees is the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) for Undergraduate Matters. Each undergraduate course is overseen by a Standing Committee, comprising representatives of each faculty or department involved in teaching the course. It is advisable to request these several weeks before the application deadline for your chosen programme of study. This normally takes place in Michaelmas Term; details will be announced by email. Visit our website for further details or contact us directly for advice: or Warning: We do not recommend that you use free "plagiarism detection" websites. . Help may involve excusing you from tutorials for a period, sending you home, or permitting you to go out of residence for a number of terms, with consequent negotiations with your funding body. If you feel unable to sit the entire examination in the current sitting, you may wish to consider suspending status and returning the following academic year to sit the exam; your college office will be able to advise on the options available to you. The Committee on Student Hardship makes awards on the grounds of unforeseeable hardship and may provide help in the form of a grant or loan, depending on the applicant's circumstances. CAAH Finals Handbook 2019. Students can phone free on internal phones (just take off the first 2), or visit in Wellington Square. If the Proctors are satisfied that you had a reasonable excuse for missing a written exam, they will inform the examiners, who will either arrange for you to sit the paper at a later date or determine your degree classification on the basis of your remaining work. An Anthology. This Handbook brings together a collection of leading international authors to reflect on the influence of central contributions, or classics, that have shaped the development of the field of public policy and administration. The Equality and Diversity Unit works with all parts of the collegiate University to develop and promote an understanding of equality and diversity and ensure that this is reflected in all its processes. Degree Programmes: The Classics Faculty has overall responsibility for two undergraduate courses: The Faculty also contributes to four undergraduate degrees overseen by other Faculties: The Faculty is responsible for graduate degrees in Ancient History and Classical Languages & Literature, and Faculty members contribute to graduate degrees in several related subjects, including Classical Archaeology, Byzantine Studies, Linguistics & Philology, Ancient Philosophy and Women’s Studies. It is accessible from any workstation on the University network. It is sometimes necessary to make changes and corrections to handbooks after they have been issued. The Equality and Diversity Unit also supports a broad network of harassment advisors in departments/faculties and colleges and a central Harassment Advisory Service. Previous years, please see your course handbook provides more detailed information about any,!, iOS devices resubmit a corrected/improved draft of a piece of work that you free! 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