But it's the population count that really kills the illusion that this is a living, breathing, dangerously overcrowded hellhole. And it's with that in mind that you have to temper your expectations before taking a trip to Night City. Will see for myself how well it runs but its likely I'll wait a few months for some patches and theres a slim chance I might even wait untill I get a ps5 after a year or so. Your 7 score summs up perfect the 3/10 review. And character customisation is good but could do with alot more options, the options to customise character is very limited in terms of its only basic character selections but there is a few hairstyles and body options which make up for it. The crux is, developers shouldn’t release tripe like this and get away with it. I hope you plan to re review when it is added back to psn. The story, brain dancing and Keanu is the best part for me so far, I'm 30+ hrs in. ok, installed the patch, and yes it's clearer on ps4. Kinda ironic too - they’re becoming the corpos this game tries so hard to fight. We all need to hold them to account. If it had never been mentioned, we wouldn't have written about it — but the information's been out there for ages, so CDPR clearly doesn't consider it a spoiler. @Jimmer-jammer "Entire systems feel like placeholders while others are fully realized and work great. A 3/10 is a ridiculous score really for what is a good but not great game. I for one can’t wait until the conversation moves onto more interesting games!! I'm having a blast with it. They made their money you dont have too feel sorry for them. It literally blew up in his face. When the PS5 version comes out and is up to snuff, I'll be all over this game though, Dont promote a game until its finished. @Arnna no it doesn’t. Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 heypoorplayer.com I'll get a cheaper PS5 console in 6 months and will be playing a different life path. There is a game released years back I think it's Dragon Age or Dragon quest not sure about the title but I know the game has sick dialogue, the dialogue in that game makes the dialogue in CP2077 seem like a 1 page dialogue conversations...... Also the dialogue in CP2077 is a child compared to a simple game like Detroit Become Human. @daveofduncan ... it was advertised and developed for PS4. Ok, with that being said, this is the gaming entertainment industry. @LordSteev Thanks for the update, dude. I guess I was really hype for the next-gen features they were showcasing on their promo trailers and dev talk with gaming channels while the retail version is not even close to what they showed during their marketing videos lol. My advice would be to revert to an old save as soon as possible if you ever get a mission that won't 'complete'. Then can not wait for bug fixes and patches. I think you should give a score and if they fix things you can reconsider but right now as we used to say in the United States Navy it is what it is. But from lots of comments, it's the graphics on a top end system (ray tracing) where this really shines from a technical perspective. Luckily I’ve only had it crash twice on me in about 25h of play. Yes thats when production for it started. I personally couldn't resist lol, Clearly CDPRs vision for this game was far too ambitious for the current generation. It's a wonderfullyv richly crafted world on all levels. Hell of a TV show (pun intended). aside I am enjoying it. How are we meant to believe that this is one of humanity's most bustling cities when the roads are this barren? Previously it would crash every 1,5 hours or so. I've seen quite a few PS4 players say that the game has barely crashed on them. The devs had no choice but to stop what they were working on and just get it ready to ship. Absolutely spot on with CP2077, the most soul crushing thing about the games is the fact that it's so superficial and worst of all it does not have anything ground breaking apart from the city paint job and few characters design cosmetics. My preorder copy hasnt arrived yet. Can stream incredibly graphic violence, but a lil cartoon nudity is a no no. @InsertGoodName Yeah, I wish they'd reviewed the game that doesn't exist yet instead. I recommend to treat this year's launch as an early release for PC. Hosted by 44 Bytes. I don't think it's quite a classic case of a developer overpromising and showing a game that it couldn't actually deliver upon prior to release, but that's definitely a part of it. I have greatly enjoyed our well differing communication. There was an article earlier in the week which stated they hadn’t received review code. Ooof. And any opinion that’s surrounds or supports that, in my view, is detrimental and just utter nonsense. And there were A LOT of them. @playstation1995 Like the Bengals beating the Steelers. I reckon the majority of people with performance issues are CPU bottlenecked. I give it a 7 so far. And once things were in motion, it was impossible to stop — even when it was abundantly clear that development was troubled. @zekepliskin yeah when I checked my saves and saw they were all 12mb I had a shiver run down my spine . Please read our FTC Disclosure for more information. CDPR didn’t release because of backlash, to think they did is absolute nonsense. It's baffling that they have that information available and they decide not to use it. I think that's why so much of the game feels quite stunted or just outright buggy and broken. I played on ps4 for about 3hrs., no bugs yet, or issues with graphics. I'm playing on PC, most on my laptop with a intel i7 10875 and a 2080 super and it performs quite well, I'm getting ultra settings across the board but I only have a 1080 screen. everyone and their maw knew it was too ambitious for PS4 and XB1 consoles. Plenty of people might prefer to put on a Clint Eastwood movie or some such. My god, really? @Orochilocka Let’s not get out the pitchforks yet - the culture of over entitled gamers has a lot to do with this situation as well. 20+ years of history creating fun and exciting titles for the world to enjoy as well as our studio’s 1000+ years of combined game industry experience provides a rich tapestry of tested and new ideas to draw from and has established us as one of the best studios in the world to work for. Nice try. Had one crash in my time with the game which hasn't happened to me in any other ps4 game in the 5 or 6 years I've had the thing. Given that the game takes place almost entirely from a first-person perspective, the dynamic nature of these dialogue scenes is incredibly impressive. Do you expect the rest of the game to change your mind? Pressure from fandom is a weakness. I don't mind toned-down graphics, but the NPC/car density is lowered so much, it impacts the overall feeling and the gameplay too. We always thought that writing this review was going to be difficult, but CD Projekt Red has made it a lot easier than we had ever imagined. For the firat 5 days I enjoyed this game I even got about half way through, completed a few side quests and missions etc. @Arnna To be absolutely fair, CD PR promised there'd be no more delays before the delay to December. Stadia is the best way to play cyberpunk for the negative whiners, Playing cyberpunk right now. Thought I was going nuts there! The rest of us rational adults would have been fine with waiting another 6 months or whatever it took to finish the game. but not this one? They also can’t release it first on PC as they dare openly against DRM and a lot of people would pirate it. These don't sound like easily fixable bugs. @AhabSpampurse This happened to me as well, only the NPC actually spawned into the hood of my car, and running him over (?) Do you want an arbitrary review score when the reviewers have only had the game for 48 hours? I originally watched it because I'm a big fan of David Tennant, but I'm glad I did because the writing and performances were superb was it Neil Gaiman that adapted it for TV, who co-wrote it? If they fix the crashing, I'd buy at low price for comedy value. As the years ticked on, we started noting the lack of console gameplay for Cyberpunk 2077. @suikoden Absolutely. Very early on your shown the Moxes and Malestrom both have excellent visual design. This was promised as a ground breaker 10/10 generation definer and you say when you ignore the bugs the best you can give it is a 7. I learned not to preorder anything since the Anthem fiasco and that saved me a lot of anguish (and money!) The red flag for me was CDPR only showing PC footage, I knew the console versons had performance issues hence them showing the best version of the game. Despite the unfortunate and inexcusable performance on base PS4, I'm loving it. The latest patch seems to have improved the resolution on PS5! And people keep blaming cdpr for the hype but I don’t think they have gone excessive on the hype, certainly no more than any other game. It performs terribly on both versions of that system. It would be more accurate to say that Cyberpunk 2077 is like open world Deus Ex — or even a futuristic Far Cry, but with way better stories and characters. "the 2 rdrd games are the best ways to experience the wild west period in the USA. @jess3a3 Considering CD Projekt Red's shares have dropped over 30% from its high in August of this year to now after the release of Cyberpunk, I'd say they should care. Didn't know hating CP2077 and CDPR was still a thing...people should just grow up...someday. I'll gladly wait for the actual PS5 version, and maybe even for the expansion. Indeed, one of the game's greatest strengths lies in its characters; the cast of Cyberpunk 2077 is outstanding. But considering the death threats they received moving it back a couple months they made the right decision. This is insane. Reading and comprehension seems to be an issue for you. I've turned off film grain, chromatic aberration and motion blur and the game looks a lot less blurry but I'm so looking forward to the actual PS5 version. Edit: sorry, I missed the part where you said you're just waiting to finish the game. Buggy but better to play now. There must be a lot of friction between CDPR management right now. I'd pick The Lost & Damned but I'm a former biker, so I have bias. There are loads of other glitches I've encountered and it ruined the whole experience for me, and I just can't be ****ed with this game. The game promised a lot to all of us but it failed emphatically and we should accept it and move. Shame he got the phone glitch - i thankfully only had the crash to dash and the one visual bug as I say I’m lucky enough to be playing on ps5 so the ssd got me back in the action pretty quick. Internet when game gets delayed: "CDPR we hate you", Internet when game releases in broken state: "CDPR we hate you". It seems my crash-free playtime was a section of the game outside night city, might have something to do with it. 4 years. The actual driving physics and career progression is better to me, although I still feel they've walked too far away from the super customisable GT1/GT2 era a bit, but it's still my favourite one overall. Hoping the city feels more populated once they release a PS5 only update. Sadly it means their days of making great, 3D-era sandboxes are basically gone, but I'm sure in time other developers will take their place at it. But even then, that seems generous given that it crashes every 45-90 minutes. Not sure I can agree with you at all about GoW(2018) and well done on the spoiler that on the last moments of the game. Who'd have thought that the first choice CDPR gave us was whether to play it now or later. That sounds like an educated guess, and I'd bet 50-80% of it is spot on, to be honest. It could have probably used another year. Mind if answers why you can't romance him, Cyberpunk,, feels rushed even though i love it,, i hope they keep updating it resolve the bugs, smoothen the movement.. and updates the graphics it is not as i expected from the commercials they have done ,, kudos for cdpr, Geoff already chose this disappointment as game of the year 2021. They are patching the game regularly too so ....... Nice honest review. If it's something avoidable then I'd like to know about it. Not on this level but I'm not completely shocked. What are they so I can avoid them? While Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 mostly achieves rates between 25 and 30 fps in closed areas, the refresh rate drops sharply, especially when driving through Night City. Buried deep beneath the immersion-breaking bugs and shockingly bad performance issues, there's an excellent open world RPG at the heart of Cyberpunk 2077. @nessisonett Thank you! I’ve been watching videos comparing cyberpunk’s AI, NPC’s, Psychics to 5+ year old games (GTA V, Farcry 5 etc) and those games do it so much better. Obviously it's not uncommon for things to be chopped and changed during development, but given how stunted Cyberpunk is in a lot of ways, I think it makes sense that the project hit a 'point of no return'. From Good Omens isn't it? There's barely any territory control and you don't have a standing with any so anything you do to them make no difference to you as a player or to the game world as a whole (unless a game mission uses them and opens an avenue). If this was an EA release, you can bet on your house that this game will be given the "let's give then 2 or months to make the game playable as it was originally promised", @GREGORIAN "no movie gives you the feel of how the wild west was". I had a feeling CDPR was going to eff this one up. Totally fair. When the take away from that 2018 media showcase was that "this is not the final build and final game will be different from what was shown in that secrett showcase my suspicions started to kick. @Nickolaidas exactly. There's so much potential there that games (including CDPR's previous game) have used to far far better effect. No open world game has ever conveyed the sheer scale of a city like this before, with skyscrapers and other, massive futuristic constructs obscuring the sky. Doubtful, but still possible. @ShogunRok you can't score a game if you haven't 100% completed it , Seriously for as much as I was excited for this and having far less issues on the Series S, this score is fully deserved. Despite all the negative publicity, evidence to the contrary, and advice from every media outlet and gamer in existence, I sought to play through all of Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4. @suikoden And lose 40% of their week 1 sales? On the consoles this seems to be at it's lowest setting. Having a good time with it on PS5. Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment... 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I wish Rockstar would make a stand alone sequal to Ballad of Gay Tony. The game as we know it has probably actually only been finished and in stress testing for a few months to a year at most. Remember this game was scheduled for April release and not December release, so if you and @ShogunRok say Management rushed the devs then what where they going to release in April the original release date of the game, also as much as we gamers and the gaming media like to blame the suits, they are not 100% to blame when the initial release date was planned the devs would have been consulted, so why did the dev agree to the release date if the knew they need another 2+ more years. Why? There's definitely much that's great about this game but it's being overshadowed by technical problems because the consoles it was made for can't handle it. One thing I will say about the performance is that turning off all the graphics settings seems to have resulted in a fairly stable framerate that's probably somewhere close to 30 frames per second. @zekepliskin Neil Gaiman co-wrote the book with Pratchett and I do think he helped adapt it for TV too! Plenty of issues even if the performance is better. @Jaz007 Nudity filter essentially censors some advertising billboards and posters, as well as in-game websites that contain bare breasts. Why have you bewildered yourself in amongst us 'peasants' then? How/ why did CDPR not implement basic gameplay features?! It's not an accident that CDPR refused to release anything but very carefully curated console footage, and gave no console review codes at all. Awful gameplay, empty sterile world, awful overloaded ui. A lot. Overly ambitious goals? We know they've rewritten its story multiple times during the process and went through several alpha changes that completely changed the core mechanics of the game. Likely both reasons. If this released last year, nobody in the world could play it as intended. So the PS4 Pro is below recommended specs. My biggest complaint is that the UI Text size seemed to be quite small - even on a 1080p 55" TV. @Senchou412 Is this a PC gaming web site... hmm? You gave no man’s sky a 7 when it first came out...We all know what happened there. I suppose your point is correct, however my argument for RDR2 and even 1 is that both games' big focus and emphasis are on creating the wild west feel, no movie gives you the feel of how the wild west was, the 2 rdrd games are the best ways to experience the wild west period in the USA. Little interest in the form of cyberpunk 2077 ps4 pro review CDPR fan boy and apologists to call this review at all being. 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